Friday, December 28, 2007

5,4,3,2,1..... HaPpY NeW yEaR!

Well, it's just about upon us; another year! I checked on my resolutions for last year to see how I did and here's what I found......

~Lose 10 pounds........................ Lost 7, so it was close.

~Travel more............................. Went to the Sierra's 4 times for camping, kayaking, hiking,
cycling, and fishing. Spent a week in Monterrey. Several trips down to San Diego. Not bad!

~Become more creative............ Got back into photography and picked up the addictive habit of
printmaking. Started doing this blog. Pretty decent.

~Enjoy the family...................... Better than ever! I can't imagine having a better wife and son.

Sooooo, for 2008, here's the low down! I'm going to drop another 10-15 pounds, get back into bike racing, kick it up a notch on my art, do some serious outdoor adventures with my son, spend more grown-up time with my wife, do something spectacular with our front yard, stay healthy, and get one year closer to retirement (8 years and counting).

I hope 2008 is a good year for all!
The photo above is something I'm working on. It's the Minarette's in the Sierra's. Once I get a press, I plan on printing multiple images ad collaging them onto tie-dyed papers. We'll see how that works out......


K Hutchinson said...

Looks like you did great with your goals! Congratulations on that! Good luck with next years! I can't wait to see more of your art! Happy New Year!

Lesa said...

It sounds like 2007 was some fantastic's to more of it in 2008!