For those who follow my wife's blog, you know my mother-in-law has been seriously ill. For those who read my blog, you probably have guessed that I'm generally am optimistic person. So, when my mother-in-law spoke to my wife about her requests and wishes 'when' she passes vs. 'if' she passes, it was quite simply gut wrenching.
Tami and I have discussed this stuff, but in a theoretical way. This was real and my initial instinct was to put my game face on and get pragmatic. But, when Tami mentioned that Shyron wanted us to take Kyle to Disney World in Florida after she's gone because that was the next trip she had planned with him, I lost it.
Shyron was there for Kyle's first Disneyland experience. I think it was for his 1st birthday and I can remember him being absolutely excited about the whole thing. At the Mainstreet Parade that night, I snapped a photo of Shyron holding Kyle that has always been one of my favorite; a grandma's beaming smile, gazing at a happy little boy. It has been the essence of their relationship ever since.
Well, I got to carving and tried to recreate that moment. I will give the print to Shyron, with the caveat that she will take Kyle to Disney World.