Some stuff you just can't make up. Take, for instance, a recent article in the Los Angeles Times on the effects of global warming on the Great Tits of England.
According to scientists, "few Tits have been analyzed as long as the Great Tits of Wytham Woods, near Oxford. Since 1947, scientists have tracked the fate of nearly every Great Tit, using tiny bracelets." Ouch! They have determined that the Great Tits of England are"thriving and growing in abundance compared to, say, their Danish counterparts, which seem to be shrinking." While I'm sure the blokes in Britain are thrilled, I feel some pain for the gentlemen in the Netherlands.
Being the concerned environmentalist that I am, I decided I need to take a much closer look at the Great Tits. I googled Great Tits and, after filtering out many offers for hot XXX, I found good, reliable information.
I learned from Wikipedia that "Great Tits are easy to recognize" and that they are "large in size at 14 centimeters" (thus making them great, I suppose...). I also found that "Great Tits come in many races." It's so refreshing to know that Great Tits have moved beyond racism to a world only envisioned by civil rights activists.
The website British Garden Birds says that "The Great Tit is the largest of the European Tits." Makes perfect sense to my way of thinking. Anything less would not and could not be great. They also advised that "the Great Tit is doing well and expanding its range and abundance." No doubt assisted by science, i.e. plastic surgery....
And, I learned that Great Tits are not the only Tits out there. From the World Bird Guide, I discovered Stripe Breasted Tits (think Austin Powers?); the Somber Tit (perhaps upset it's not Great); the Elegant Tit (as opposed to the trailer park variety); and in the spirit of equality, the Pere David Tit (freaky, but hey, who am I to question these matters).
So, at least now I know why Al Gore is so passionate about global warming. Aside from weather issues, glacial melt, and drought, that sly dog was all about the Great Tit from the beginning, starting with Tipper way back in the day.
And, I'd rant about the boobies in the Caribbean, but that's a whole other story......
I included a photo just to show how truely beautiful Great Tits are......